Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Art of Conversation

Although this is written in Anna's name this is actually Emily Fichter more recently known as Mutimukeye. I have had a really hard time getting connected to this blog through my email here which is very relivent to the topic of this entry.

In America we are constantly listening to our ipods instead of singing and texing instead of talking. I have discovered here that the art of conversation is restored when there is an absence of technology. I can't begin to explain how refreashing this is! Creativity is distorted when there is so much in America to do. Many villiage children here sing, dance, make their own toys, and have nothing, but smile brightly.

It can become frustrating at times to not have technology unless you go to an internet cafe and even then waiting 15 minute for your page to load when the top of the page says, "instant results;" however, it can also be liberating. People here are so patient, and walk to their own beat. It's incredible.

As a very broad statement to sum up my trip so far----It has changed my life in all the greatest ways. Everyone who has travel a lot told me that I would come back a different person, and I smiled and said that yes I was so excited, but no expectations could possibly of captured the emoti0ns and experiences I have had here so far. Sure I have only showered twice in 6 days and ruined my only camera in a rainforest, but this trip has been so special.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Emily Mutimukeye! Finally figured out where the blog was-I'd been looking all over the internet and then went to Simpson's web site and stumbled upon it. The best Mother's Day ever was to hear from you and know that you and your entire group have had this awesome opportunity. A special thank you to Professor Croskery and her colleagues for their hard work and being affiliated with such inspiring organizations, The Great Ape Trust and AoC. I really loved reading the entire groups entries and look forward to more-(hint hint, Emily). I do agree with you though; it must be an intense spiritual feeling to be connected with a culture where there aren't so many high-tech interruptions minute by minute. LOL. Again, I am so thrilled that you ALL have been able to have this wonderful experience through Simpson College.

    Emily's Mom
