We've been home for a little over a week now. I can't believe how much STUFF we have in America. It's ridiculous! Even though I've lived in the United States since I was born, I think it was just as big of a culture shock coming back to America after the trip as it was entering Rwanda at the beginning. The first thing my parents and I did when we left the airport was go to Pizza Ranch in Indianola for lunch. Part of me was really excited to finally have "American" food again and have a selection of foods to choose from, but I couldn't get over how much food just sat there at the buffet. When I got home to Sioux City and looked in the fridge, it was stocked with water bottles. When I went upstairs to my room, clothes from my pre-packing attempts were everywhere. Things that I thought were normal before seem just embarrassing now. I keep thinking, what if a Rwandan could see my house and all the wasted resources? I still don't get how America (and other countries like it) can be so wealthy while other nations are struggling so badly. It's a difficult concept to get my head around, especially after being able to experience and compare two drastically different societies.
I can only speak for myself, but I'm sure the rest of the group would agree on some level that we all learned how grateful we should be after seeing the Rwandans get by (and happily, too) with so little. This trip was definitely an eye-opening experience, and I miss Africa already! I've made some great friends and memories, and I'm so glad I had the opportunity to go.